Louisville Soccer Sponsorships
We need your support so that together we continue to provide the youth of the greater Louisville area the ability to grow physically and mentally through the game of soccer. We offer a variety of sponsorship packages to allow you to support Louisville Soccer in the way that you see fit!
In the past 26 years, we have helped numerous players move on to play at their highest potential and our players continue to support the game by coaching the new up-and-coming players. Some of our current players and teams need your support. If it weren't for sponsors like you, our athletes might have never received these exceptional opportunities.
The soccer world can get very expensive with tournament fees, field costs, facilities use, training programs, lessons, uniforms and equipment, coaching expenses, travel expenses, showcases, camps, clinics and more. Louisville Soccer wants to help ease the burden of these expenses for parents and players as much as possible. We are asking for sponsorship so that our dedicated young men & women can achieve their goals — in the soccer world and beyond.

Louisville Soccer is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. If you would like to personally donate to any of our programs, request more information or if you have any questions on how you can help Louisville Soccer, please contact Heather Weber by email at admin@louisvillesoccer.com. We thank you in advance for your time and generosity!